Defense & Homeland Security

Homeland security is the number one priority for the U.S. and its military. Even with projected cuts, the national security budget in fiscal 2013 will be nearly one trillion dollars. Each year new threats to national security emerge, so the government must be vigilant in anticipating and responding to them. This means that technology must be evaluated and updated continuously, so that we can be proactive in preventing threats and responding to the ones that emerge. Without a safe and secure nation, not only is our way of life threatened, but our ability to grow the economy in other markets becomes imperiled.
The Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System, or JCIDS, is the formal procedure for defining acquisition requirements and evaluation criteria for future defense programs. The central focus is addressing capability shortfalls that might exist. This provides a capabilities-based approach to requirements generation. While understanding the risks associated with future threats is necessary to develop effective weapons systems, a sufficient methodology also must include an approach which can both prioritize human risks associated with future threats and develop strategies for either eliminating or minimizing them.
With some of the most experienced Human Systems Integration (HSI) subject matter experts in the world, Humanproof has the capability to develop all human requirements in the defense acquisitions process, from Concept and Technology Development to Sustainment and Disposal, to ensure maximize performance at the lowest possible cost, and allowing us to maintain the American way of life.
Some of the ways we can contribute is by designing human-machine interfaces consistent with the physical, cognitive, and sensory abilities of the user population. These contributions include but are not limited to:
- Defining HSI requirements early in system acquisition
- Optimizing Manning on security and warfare systems
- Identifying the roles of humans in system operations and maintenance
- Improving training and personnel management
- Identifying human performance lessons learned in baseline comparison systems
- Applying simulation and prototyping early in development
- Applying human-centered design
- Increasing system/product usability
- Enhancing situational awareness and decision making of commanders
- Reducing the incidence and impact of human errors
- Enhancing habitability and quality of life for deployed individuals
- Enhancing the maintainability of equipment
- Reducing accidents and mishaps
- Applying human-centered test and evaluation methodology
- Enhancing task-work and teamwork effectiveness